Thursday, February 26, 2015

blog #5 The Dark Portal-Robin Jarvis

Mannor 1
Larry Mannor
Mrs. Martel
English 10
26 February 2015
Blog #5

          I am reading the book The Dark Portal - by Robin Jarvis it is a good book. I recommend it to any one who likes action and adventure and constantly unpredictable. My book has many characters and they are in different places at different times so it is like a movie it switches from scene to scene.

A little explanation of the book
By Robin Jarvis
           There is the brown family that live in the skirting's this is a mice and rats book. Daughter: Audrey Son: Arthur Wife: Mrs. Brown Husband: Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown went hunting and fell into the sewer and in the sewer are the rats. In this book mice and rats are complete enemies. Anyways He was hunting and fell in the sewers and met this city mouse named Piccadilly and they try to find a way out. But Mr. Brown found an alter it was Jupiter's the rat god and the god took him and killed and peeled him. The rest of the book tries to revenge Mr. Brown.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Blog #4-Robin Jarvis

Mannor 1
Larry Mannor
Mrs. Martell
English 10
25 February 2015
Blog Post #4
          The author of the book The Black Portal is Robin Jarvis. In his book Robin explains life doesn't stop until you die constantly throwing curve balls in the direction of your path of life. In this case mice and rats how rats are so mean to mice eat them and peel them but also rats eat rats too. The book has five total perspectives like a movie moving scene to scene then back to the first scene and so on. The theme of the book is action and adventure, constantly moving and constantly thrilling. In the book there are the skirting where these mice live but one time Mr. brown the papa mouse of the brown family falls into the sewer. Then Mr. Brown meets Piccadilly the gray mouse was found wondering the sewer and Mr. Brown helped him escape but he found an alter. The alter belonged to Jupiter the God of rats so for these MICE being there was not good Mr. Brown was peeled and Piccadilly escaped to the skirting's and got away from the chasing rats. 178When he was back Piccadilly had to warn Mrs. Brown and her children Audrey and Arthur when the news spread Audrey and Arthur felt even worse when the sympathy was trying to be spread to them.  

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Blog#3_the prank-Ashley Rae Harris

Mannor 1
Larry Mannor
Ms. Martell
English 10
5 February 2015
Blog 3

       In the book the prank the first character is Jordan she is a junior at Bridge water High School. The second character is kit she is Jordan's best friend and she is the type that does not get involved in anything but what she is told to get in. The third character is Briony she is the perfect girl (hair, style, and cloths) she gets Jordan in trouble by doing these pranks against this other school. The last character is charlie this is the senior that Jordan has a crush on, charlie and Briony hang out the most but charlie does not even like her but is too nice to tell Briony that. The most interesting is the mystery towards the middle of the book that the amount of accidents that has happened in one week that amount is five. The author Ashley she describes things as abstract ideas it is like "the grass is short, green, and soft." The figurative language there is none and the the sentence structure is four teen point easy read. The best in the section is that Jordan starts to question the accidents and does some research because her mother and father would not help so she found a man and he was older like 76. He said there were pranks that he did in high school and there was a shy girl and she was killed in the prank. 236